10 Hair Oils for Hair Growth and Thickness

Who doesn’t want long, thick healthy hair without doing too much? Using the best quality natural ingredients is key for natural hair growth. Here’s a list of the best oils for hair growth and thickness. After all, the selfies are going to be poppin!
Best oils for hair growth and thickness:
- Avocado Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Castor Oil
- Rosemary Oil
- Peppermint Oil
- Olive Oil
- Argan Oil
- Tea Tree Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Lavender Oil
1. Avocado Oil: Contains biotin, fats, minerals, and antioxidants. Seals cuticles, stimulates hair follicles, helps hair look smooth, prevents breakage, unclog blocked hair follicles and it’s lightweight.
2. Coconut Oil: It’s rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants that boost circulation in the scalp, stimulates hair-follicles and promotes growth. Coconut Oil nourishes scalp, retains moisture, absorbs quickly, natural detangler, and won’t weigh down hair.
3. Castor Oil: Made of vitamin E, protein and minerals. This thick oil boosts circulation in the scalp, stimulates hair-follicles and promotes healthier, stronger hair.
4. Rosemary Oil: Its anti-fungal properties soothes the scalp. High source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory improving blood circulation and growth stimulation.
5. Peppermint Oil: Stimulates the hair follicle by increasing the blood circulation and oxygen to your scalp. Contains pulegone and mentone (tingling sensation) that strengthen hair roots.
6. Olive Oil: Contains vitamin E, antioxidants and oleic acid. Add softness and strengthens hair by penetrating the hair shaft, smoothens texture and preserves moisture.
7. Argan Oil: Loaded with vitamin E, and antioxidant properties: helps by restring and replenishing the scalp and prevents breakage.
8. Tea Tree Oil: An antibacterial and antimicrobial oil which helps to unclog hair follicles and nourish it from the roots.
9. Jojoba Oil: Included fatty acids, and vitamin E: conditions your hair leaving it stronger, shiner and more manageable.
10. Lavender Oil: Powerful healing properties that increases the number of hair follicles promoting regrowth: which can help in balding.
Know matter what oils you use, be sure to use the best quality. All oils are not the same and processed in different ways: which affects performance.